Weight charge

美 [weɪt tʃɑːrdʒ]英 [weɪt tʃɑːdʒ]
  • 网络重量收费;航空运费
Weight chargeWeight charge
  1. The conclusion of this dissertation is very useful for the understanding and implementing of an ETC Weight charge system .


  2. As for weight charge policy implementation and modern logistics industry and highway network construction of rapid development , the domestic heavy card gradually to power direction has become a trend .


  3. In order to solve the problem of overloading , many provinces and cities have used the weight charge system , but only used in manual toll system ( MTC ) .


  4. The structure include molecular weight and charge density of polymer ;


  5. Choose and Modify the Policy of Count Weight and Charge


  6. The factors affecting the synthesis of PEE antistatic agent were studied , including PEG molecular weight , charge ratio , temperature , time and vacuum degree .


  7. The charge weight , charge placement ( in profile ) and depth of charges are important factors in design of Explosive Compaction for saturated loose sand .


  8. The water stability of soil cluster is studied after the treatment of different molecular weight and charge density PAM of artificial soil by way of simulation test in the hothouse .


  9. The more the molecular weight and charge density , the higher the intrinsic viscosity , and the molecular chain of APR stretches in a much better solvent .


  10. However , compared with PAM , molecular weight and charge density of chitosan are lower , so flocs formed in flocculation are smaller and less incompact .


  11. The author has studied the operation of polymer as the flocculating agent , its molecular weight , charge density and inventory of polymer and its effects on the process of flocculation .


  12. Much research has been conducted using PAM ( polyacrylamide ) to control soil sealing and reduce erosion , but few studies have attempted to determine the most effective molecular weight and charge density of PAM .


  13. A set of quaternary ammonium cationic polypropylene acid ammonium ( CPAM ) with different molecular weight and charge density was prepared with water solution copolymerization and the influence of cationization degree , its dosage and pH value on the bleaching wheat straw pulp draining and retention performance was investigated .


  14. What 's the weight of free charge checked luggage ?


  15. Strengthening the charge weight in the charge holes of the certain areas in the two sides falling to the axis makes the blasting succeed .


  16. Anionic rosin sizing with attached agent of low molecular weight and high charge density in neutral papermaking was studied . Various factors influencing neutral sizing were investigated .


  17. The road freight vehicle toll by weight is a charge pattern reformation on charge road in China , it is more fair and rational than the charge way by vehicle type classification .


  18. In this study , contents of total protein , albumin and globulin were measured by Kjeldahl and Bradford method . The subunits composition of proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE . Solubility , molecular weight , net charge differences and ethanol precipitation method explored to separate the proteins .


  19. The heavy armor is mainly for close contact battle and added " weight " behind a charge ( aka medieval knights style ) .


  20. For this reason , PMC has greater molecular weight and stronger selective charge adsorption than PAC . The new flocculating agent is especially suitable for treating the wastewater of varying components , such as the oily sewage of oilfield and printworks sewage .
